
Τα νέα της Portfin

The "Saving at home" program continues

Noticing the continuing interest of citizens to participate in the "Save at Home "

and the momentum created in the market, announcing that the applications continue. Entry Program will be ranked until exhaustion of resources by region.

So far the number of applications to banks than 30000, of which approximately 15,000 have received preliminary approval of a loan.

Moreover, given to capture the energy needs of buildings from the inspections conducted so far and the economic situation, the Plan is amended as follows:

* Eligible for the program are the buildings built by 31.12.1989 and are in areas with a price band to 2.100 € / m²
* It is possible to submit applications for individual building departments without preconditions
* Income categories are benefiting from three and two respectively incentives are as follows:
o Category A
Owners of eligible homes, including individual or family-reported income does not exceed 40.000 € or 60.000 € respectively.
The incentives include 100% interest subsidy (interest-free loan) in conjunction with a grant of 35%.
o o Category B
Owners of eligible households whose personal or family income is reported between 40,000 and 60,000 and 60.000 € and 80.000 € respectively.
o The incentives include 100% interest subsidy (interest-free loan) in conjunction with a grant of 15%.
The ranking in these categories is based on the latest available income tax return.
* Please note that: The savings to be achieved by the interventions of the Program represents 30% of consumption of the reference building
* Eligible expenses include all additional work and operations necessary for proper integration of technical interventions such Dismantling / unmaking and collection, interventions on the Roof (eg tile replacement), etc. Also in the category of replacement frames and shading "including the installation of non-fixed external louvers.
* In order to accelerate the disbursement of grants, the maximum time to implement interventions reduced to 4 months from the signing of loan agreement

Finally, states that applications submitted to date and meet the conditions will be placed directly in the program, and these changes in terms of the plan will apply to those applications.

Exalco 230

The new line Albio 230 is the latest technological breakthrough of  Exalco Company in sliding systems. The striking application of the sliding - rising system makes it ideal for large angular apertures.

Θερμομονωτικό ρολό

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logo-rolkaΤο νέο ρολό από τη Rolka είναι ένα καινοτόμο σύστημα θερμοδιακοπής και θερμομόνωσης σχεδιασμένο με υψηλές προδιαγραφές και χαμηλό κόστος!



Portfin map χαρτης


  • Address: 5th km. national road Ioannina - Athens, zip 45500, IOANNINA
  • Tel: +(30) 26510 93140 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +(30) 26510 93140      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
  • Fax: +(30) 26510 93186
  • Email: infot@portfin.gr


Riganas Nikoloas

  • Address: 5th km. National road Pelekas
  • Τel: +(30) 2661052913 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +(30) 2661052913      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
  • Mobile:      6945 665826 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            6945 665826      end_of_the_skype_highlighting


Ntaflis Georgios

  • Address: Exhebition at Serviana
  • Τel: +(30) 2655024200 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +(30) 2655024200      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
  • Mobile:     6972 268128 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            6972 268128      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
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