
Quality certifications

With ally the modern technology and main concern the direct and even transaction of each order, PORTFIN wants her products to be famous for the most excellent quality and the absolute safety.

With the best materials of manufacture, modern technological equipment and continuous controls of quality it constitutes guarantee for the most excellent result in aluminium rolls, systems and constructions. Guarantee of life while her products do not need maintainance!


The facilities

In a privately-owned space of extent of 1250 s.m., in a ultramodern building is accomodated the ultramodern unit of production of Portfin. A completely vertically integrated unit, that realises all the stages of productive process and treatment of profiles.Σε έναν ιδιόκτητο χώρο έκτασης 1250 τ.μ., σε ένα υπερσύγχρονο κτίριο στεγάζεται η υπερσύγχρονη μονάδα παραγωγής της Portfin. Μια πλήρως καθετοποιημένη μονάδα, που πραγματοποιεί όλα τα στάδια της παραγωγικής διαδικασίας και επεξεργασίας των προφίλ.


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  • Address: 5th km. national road Ioannina - Athens, zip 45500, IOANNINA
  • Tel: +(30) 26510 93140 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +(30) 26510 93140      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
  • Fax: +(30) 26510 93186
  • Email: infot@portfin.gr


Riganas Nikoloas

  • Address: 5th km. National road Pelekas
  • Τel: +(30) 2661052913 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +(30) 2661052913      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
  • Mobile:      6945 665826 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            6945 665826      end_of_the_skype_highlighting


Ntaflis Georgios

  • Address: Exhebition at Serviana
  • Τel: +(30) 2655024200 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +(30) 2655024200      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
  • Mobile:     6972 268128 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            6972 268128      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
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